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Clitheroe Power Flushing services.

Helping central heating systems work more efficiently, and reducing the likelihood of breakdowns.

norstrom power flush


Cold spots on radiators eg cold at the bottom, hotter at the top.

Your heating is slow to warm up

Discoloured water when you bleed the radiators, eg central heating water is black/brown.

Excessive noise from your boiler or the central heating pump.

Some radiators struggle to heat up as well as others.

Boiler regularly shuts down and needs restarting or won’t restart until a period of time has passed (this could be a sign of over heating.

Noisy radiators and/or  boiler.

Small leaks on radiators.

Radiators cold but pipes are hot.


More energy efficient system helping to reduce energy bills.

Radiators will heat up quicker.

Higher hot water temperatures.

Quieter radiators / boiler.

Increase the life span of your heating system.

More reliable and less chance of breakdown.


Clitheroe power flushing services uses the powerful Norstrom Magmaster.

Here are some of the benefits power flushing can help bring to your central heating system

Improves Central Heating Efficiency

Over time, central heating systems can accumulate sludge, rust, and other deposits that can hinder their efficiency. Flushing your central heating system helps remove these obstructions, and  allow for better circulation of water and heat transfer. As a result, the system can operate more efficiently, providing improved heating performance and reducing energy consumption.

Enhanced System Lifespan

Removing harmful deposits helps reduce the risk of damage and helping extend the lifespan of the system.

Increased Radiator Performance

Radiators are prone to developing cold spots due to the accumulation of sludge and debris. This can prevent proper heat distribution. Power flushing helps eliminate these blockages. This helps for an even distribution of heat throughout the radiators and improving their performance.

Quieter Operation

Power flushing can help reduce noises by clearing out the obstructions, resulting in quieter operation.

Power flushing Improves Water Quality

The process of power flushing involves using clean, fresh water to flush out the heating system. This helps remove contaminants that can affect the quality of the central heating water. Inhibitors are then added to help protect the water quality in the central heating system.

Faster Heating Response

When a central heating system is clogged with sludge and debris, it may take longer for the system to reach the desired temperature. Power flushing improves the circulation of water and heat transfer. This helps faster heating response times.